Environment Variables


By default, each service has different variables, which depends on the environment. For example, database environments, which available on the development environment may differ from the staging environment, and so on... For more information about environments, see the Environments section. Depends on service language, environment variables can be accessed in different ways.

To access environment variables using TypeScript or JavaScript language use:


code.store platform guarantees a high level of security, but we do not recommend displaying secret variables in the stdout or other sources.

Below, you can find information about available environment variables which code.store platform set by default.

Service Environment Variables

PROJECT_ID internal ID of the project on the code.store platform

ENVIRONMENT_ID name of the environment, where service deployed

SERVICE_ID internal ID of the service on the code.store platform

Database Environment Variables

Postgres Variables

DATABASE_HOST connection host

DATABASE_PORT connection port

DATABASE_NAME name of the database

DATABASE_USERNAME name of the user which can access to services database

Redis Variables

REDIS_HOST Redis connection host

REDIS_PORT Redis connection port

Language-based environment variables

TypeScript & JavaScript

NODE_VERSION node version, which deployed service used

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