

Each service has a default configuration file, which available by default, after new service creation. This configuration file named codestore.yaml and located in the root of service dir.

codestore.yaml is required, without it, the service will not be launched. Please, don't remove this file.

This file contains service configuration and used to:

  • enable/disable PostgreSQL database

  • enable/disable Redis database

  • setup configuration for local development

  • contains internal's serviceId


serviceId internal's service id

serviceConfiguration remote service configuration, which allows and contains the following flags:

  • skipDatabase (false by default) boolean flag, allows to enable or disable PostgreSQL database

  • enableRedis (false by default) boolean flag, allows to enable or disable Redis database

localConfiguration configuration, which allows to run local development service using cs dev CLI command and. Local configuration contains service, database (Redis, PostgreSQL) configurations which required if databases in serviceConfiguration are enabled. localConfiguration is contains the following properties:

  • application

    • port a port where an application will runs

  • database PostgreSQL connection config

    • port port, where Postgres server launched, usually it's 5432

    • username your Postgres user

    • password password for your Postgres user

    • host PostgreSQL host (for example localhost or

    • database name of the database

localConfiguration applies only during local development process and have no impact on deployed application

Configuration versions

In future, platform will support different codestore.yaml configuration versions for backward compatibility.

Enable/Disable PostgreSQL

By default, PostgreSQL - enabled. To disable PostgreSQL set skipDatabase: true of the serviceConfigurationobject and push changes using cs push command.

Enable/Disable Redis

By default, Redis - disabled. To enable Redis set enableRedis: true of the serviceConfigurationobject and push changes using cs push command.

Last updated