Getting started CLI provides a set of commands that allow you to manage your services and projects. This section contains the installation steps, a typical workflow and a description of main commands.


We are iterating really fast in order to bring the best user experience and some great features to our product, that's why please check for updates in our CLI!


brew tap code-store-platform/brew && brew install codestore

Other installation methods


This installation method is not recommended as it does not auto-update.

npm install -g codestore

Standalone tarballs

These are available in gzip compression:

Verifying the installation

To verify that the CLI has been correctly installed, use the codestore --version command:

codestore --version

You should see "codestore x.y.z darwin-X node-vX.Y.Z" output.

The CLI can be accessed through two commands: codestore or its shorter version cs

Staying up to date

The CLI will keep itself up to date automatically, unless you installed it via npm install. In that case use npm update codestore in order to upgrade the package to the latest version.

Most of the commands accept some specific arguments which can be provided while invoking the command in a long or short formats:

  • Long format: cs command --argumentName argumentValue

  • Short format: cs command -a argumentValue

Use cs help to know more about its commands and their arguments.

Service directory structure

For each service, the CLI is generating a directory structure that resembles the following:

# Example of the directory structure of a Service
├── src/
		├── data/ # contains generated TypeORM entities
		├── resolvers/
				├── mutations/
						└── mutationExample.js|ts
				├── queries/
						└── queryExample.js|ts
		└── schema.graphql # GraphQL definition of your service's API
├── .build # temporary directory
├── package.json # standard NPM configuration file
└── codestore.yaml # main configuration file

Read more about the anatomy of the service directory here.

Last updated