Deletes the service. Deletes it for real, so please make sure that you are sure about what you are doing.
Launches a service locally. Requires PostgreSQL and configuration in codestore.yaml.
$csservice:dev# or cs dev
This command has been moved to cs generate:models
List the services in your organization. You can also use a short version of this command: cs service:ls.
Note: don't be surprised to see some services when you just created an account as those may be the services created by the colleagues in your organization.
Print out the logs of your service. Available options are:
In order for your Services to be published, they have to be added to Projects. Projects can be created and managed either by using the web-site or via CLI.
$csproject--help🚧Aprojectisaparticularapporwebsite,whereyoucan (re)use your existing services. It might be your e-commerce project or a logistics mobile application or business web-app. Each time you add a service to a project, we create a separate, isolated instance of your service. Each service reused in a project has its own environments, databases, logs, and billingUSAGE$codestoreproject:COMMANDCOMMANDSproject:createCreatesanewproject,whereyoucanaddservicesproject:deleteRemovesproject (only iftherearenomoreservicesinside)project:listListprojectsinyourorganizationproject:serviceAddsandexistingservicetoyourproject
Launches a project creation dialogue:
$csproject:create? What is your project's name? Test project? Please add a short description of your project (255 chars max): Project description? Is everything ok, can I create this project? Yes⠹ Creating Project Test project
Deletes the project but only if there are no existing services inside it. Make sure that you remove all services from the project before removing the project itself.
Get a list of all your projects (you can also use a shorthand alias cs project:ls:
Services inside the Project
In order to manage services inside your project, you can use cs project:service sub-commands. Most of the commands are quite similar to those of cs service.
$csproject:service--helpManageservicesinsideyourprojectUSAGE$codestoreproject:service:COMMANDCOMMANDSproject:service:addAddsandexistingservicetoyourprojectproject:service:infoDisplaysdetailedinformationaboutproject's service project:service:list Lists services in your project project:service:promote Promotes service inside the project between Development, Stating and Production environments project:service:remove Exclude service from project. This is a potentially destructive operation that might result in a loss of data.
Adds an existing service to a project. Requires a Project ID as an argument.
$csproject:service:add--helpAddsandexistingservicetoyourprojectUSAGE$codestoreproject:service:add [SERVICEID]ARGUMENTSSERVICEIDIdoftheserviceOPTIONS --project-id=project-id(required) Id of the project
Displays detailed information about project's service, in a similar way to cs service:info.
Promotes your service inside the project between Development, Staging and Production environments.
$csproject:service:promote--helpPromotesserviceinsidetheprojectbetweenDevelopment,StatingandProductionenvironmentsUSAGE$codestoreproject:service:promote [SERVICEID]ARGUMENTSSERVICEIDIDoftheserviceOPTIONS --project-id=project-id(required) ID of the project
Removes the service from the project.
This is a destructive operation that might result in the loss of data! Please make sure that you definitely want to remove the service from the project.
$csproject:service:remove--helpExcludeservicefromproject.Thisisapotentiallydestructiveoperationthatmightresultinalossofdata.USAGE$codestoreproject:service:remove [SERVICEID]ARGUMENTSSERVICEIDIDoftheserviceOPTIONS --project-id=project-id(required) ID of the project
This group of commands generate scaffolding (templates) of some important files.
$csgenerateGeneratesscaffolding (templates) of some important filesUSAGE$codestoregenerate:COMMANDCOMMANDSgenerate:handlerGeneratesauth.handlerorcontext.handlergenerate:modelsGeneratesdatabaseentitiesandmigrationsgenerate:resolverGeneratesaGraphQLresolvergenerate:restGeneratesaRESTAPIhandler
Generates the entity models and database migrations for your GraphQL types and puts them into src/entities.
Entity and database generation functionalities are still in alpha version. We are iterating fast to bring the best features as soon as possible. We would be happy to hear from you about what do you think about it in our community chat here: