

code.store platform support middleware functions for REST endpoints. To avoid manual file creation allowed a command cs generate:middleware, which generate a template of middleware with handler method.

To generate middleware for your route just execute cs generate:middleware CLI command, select one of middleware type: request or response middleware type, specify name for your function and select route from the route list:

> cs generate:middleware

? Select position of middleware (Use arrow keys)
❯ request 

? Enter name of your middleware: permissions

? Select route to apply (Use arrow keys)

File ./demo_app/src/rest-middlewares/permissions.middleware.ts has been generated.

Also, you can use flags:

-p for type specification (allowed: 'request' or 'response)

-r name of the route to apply middleware function

-n name of middleware function

For example, here a command from previous example: cs generate:middleware -p request -r hello -n permissions

After command execution will be generated file permissions.middleware.ts in src/rest-middlewares directory:

 * This handler was generated by code.store CLI.
 * Visit our documentation to learn more about the support of REST APIs in our SDK:
 * https://docs.code.store/getting-started/sdk/rest-apis
 * You can also join our community at https://spectrum.chat/code-store if you have any
 * questions which are not covered by the documentation.

import { Handler } from 'codestore-utils';

const handler: Handler = async (event, context) => {
  // your code goes here
  return 'Hello, world!';

export default handler;

More information about handler method and his params can be found in REST section.

Last updated